School assemblies are an important and fun part of a school’s calendar, weekly or annual alike. They go beyond the usual announcements these days and they instill a sense of unity and community among the pupils.
Assemblies play an influential role in the growth of the pupils into responsible adults with well-developed sense of community. They pique the children’s interest in extra-curricular activities, teaches them social discipline and builds their confidence. These are all aside the excitement and adrenaline rush that it brings on a school day.
Therefore, in order to plan an assembly efficiently, it is important that you to have an established goal that you intend to achieve. You can do this easily with a theme. It can have a moral, religious or ethical theme to inform and educate the pupils, done in the most exciting ways with select activities.
7 Fun Ideas for School Assemblies
- History lessons and important days in society- Use storytelling and a play that depicts the particular lesson.
- Holiday assemblies- Everyone should dress up to suit the holiday, like wearing red on valentine, and share individual or group presentations prepared with that theme.
- Multicultural assembly- Highlights the different cultures present showcasing their beauty and uniqueness. Let each culture represented prepare a showcase that could include dances, recital, plays and even food showcases. Getting parents to participate can make it more fun too.
- Moral assemblies- Make it an interactive session with the children. You can have them suggest ways they would respond to scenarios and situations if faced them. Conclude by telling them the right ways to act and respond.
- Ethics assemblies- Set out models for the ethics that you want to teach. By letting them act the part the children can see what exactly you are talking about or referring to.
- Career talks- Let the children dress up in attires depicting the careers of their dreams and invite professionals in different fields as guest speakers and mentors, preferably parents.
- Movie day- Done at the end of the school calendar preferably. Pick a movie with a strong theme and have the pupils discuss their takeaways after.
The list of activities to engage your students with at school assemblies are not exhaustive. You can be creative and spontaneous by incorporating games, student anchored activities and competitions to pass your message in a fun way. School assemblies can be done anywhere including on an open field, or the school hall or even the playground, you just need to make it fun and enlightening.
Tags: assembly, Children, fun activities, school assembly, Teaching