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New Year’s Resolutions For Educators

By rasmed on January 23rd, 2021

New year's resolutions

January is in full swing and schools have resumed for the year, it’s also that time when everyone keeps the hope to commit to certain new year’s resolutions.

As an educator, you can also use the New Year to resolve to do better in your engagements with your students and profession.

Here are 7 new year’s resolutions teachers can implement:

  • Resolve to enjoy your students: spend more one-on-one time with your students, and also come up with group activities that involve your participation.
  • Create a work-life balance: Classroom engagement might be draining and it might take all of your time so much so that you begin to spend less time with friends and family. This year, be conscious about creating time for friends and family and also take time out to relax.
    You can also cut down your ‘homework’ to not exceed more than 2-3 hours after school hours. Be sure to leave time and energy in the day to take care of yourself physically and mentally.
  • Bring Order to the Classroom: Be deliberate and consistent with classroom management and organization.
  • Introduce technology to the classroom: learn about innovative ways to integrate technology in the classroom. This might just be all the magic you need to turn your classroom around. YouTube is a great place where you can find great ideas about simple technology to use in your teaching.

  • Connect with your students and encourage them in their learning: Help your students to enjoy learning and also help them have a sense of importance in the everyday activities of the classroom.
  • Include fitness into your Extracurricular activities: integrate health and fitness into your classroom activities by including things like healthy eating lessons, and simple exercise to your curriculum. At intervals, during class, you can initiate little movements throughout the classroom to keep attention sharp and reduce boredom. Also, encourage your students and yourself to take better care of your bodies.
  • Work on self-improvement and moving up the salary scale: This might require you to take certain short courses or even change position or change jobs. In all, work towards earning better this year

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