Assigning Effective Homework
Homework is set with the aim of helping pupils absorb and build on work done in class and to extend their learning time. It m...

Teaching kids to Organize their Room and Space
Encouraging kids to keep their space clean helps them acquire a sense of responsibility early in life and sharpens their organiza...

Welcoming Pupils Back to School
In many parts of the country today, pupils and students return to school after a long break caused by the lockdown measures to ch...

Supporting Teachers’ Mental Health
Research has shown that the teaching profession is one of the most stressful occupations. With the recent state of things, work-r...

Ways to Teach Children about Basic First Aid
First aid is a life skill that everyone can and should learn. It is important for children and young people to acquire the skills...

Tips to Help you Read With your Children During this Pandemic
While we are making efforts to adapt to life indoors during this pandemic, taking the time to share certain activities, like read...

Simple Ways to Celebrate Student’s Achievement
Aside from their role as instructors, teachers are also motivators, peacemakers, listeners, managers, planners, learners, and so ...

Teaching Students about Gender Equality
One of the significant ways with which we can create a world free of gender-based discrimination is through teaching children fro...

Personal Hygiene Tips for Kids.
It is important that teachers encourage and help students to develop the habit and practice of keeping themselves clean as a mean...

Factors You Should Consider In Choosing a Textbook.
Here are some values you should consider in choosing a textbook: Textbooks should align and conform with the objectives an...