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Posts Tagged ‘Education’

Importance of mother tongue in education

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Mother tongue is the earliest language a child hears after being born. The mother tongue contributes significantly to shaping children’s emotions and thoughts. Often, the mother tongue becomes the language of thought. The mother tongue is also crucial to enhancing other skills such as critical thinking, literacy skills, and it contributes to how a child grasp a second language.

Fluency in mother tongue benefits children in many ways like:

Mother tongue makes it easier for children to pick up and learn other languages.

Mother tongue contributes to a child’s development of social, personal, and cultural identity.

It helps children develop literacy skills in other languages.

It connects children to culture and ensures better cognitive skills.

it enhances children’s clear articulation of thoughts.

Friday tips from your friends at Rasmed Publications limited.

Teachers Are Makers Of Life

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A teachers influence on a child cannot be quantified; so much so that from time immemorial when teachers reward is contemplated, they are often bestowed with rewards beyond earthly values.


History is filled with great stories of great men inspired by their teachers; inspiring stories of how teachers changed the life of their pupils. Great teachers forge strong relationships with their pupils, they are committed to their students’ well-being both inside and outside the classroom, imparting them with important life lessons. They see potential in pupils that others, can’t or won’t see.

Great teachers bestow on their pupils the courage to forge their own path.

Les brown, one of the worlds foremost motivational speaker once told of how these words by his teacher: “Someone else’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality.” changed his life.

Maya Angelou, America’s powerful poet and civil rights activist passion in poetry was stirred by a teacher whom she said helped her find her voice again.

In Elementary school, Bill gate came under the tutelage of a Librarian, and He has this to say about her: “Mrs. Caffiere took me under her wing and helped make it okay for me to be a messy, nerdy boy who was reading lots of books.”

Aside from educating pupils on the facts of life, teachers are also the protector and the guiding light of their pupils when they are at their most vulnerable. Teachers have the ability to change the lives of students.


Learning about the past with Rasmed Publications History Textbook Series

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To predict and create the future, we need to understand the past. Understanding the past, too, helps us to understand the present. History provides us with insight into our cultures of origin and also provides us with knowledge of the cultures of other people and other places; increasing cross-cultural awareness and understanding.

For almost a decade, the Federal Government of Nigeria ejected History from our curriculum, and today, the consequences are there to see. And the recent decision to reintroduce the subject has been applauded.

Rasmed Publications, a leading Publishing house in Nigeria has published a fine and enriching textbook on Nigeria History for Primary and Secondary schools.

Rasmed Publications History textbook will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Nigeria’s past and present. It will give pupils the knowledge of the past and the past relates to the present. This book will also enable pupils to appreciate the basis of unity in Nigeria. Each book in this series is designed using clear and simple language, combined with highly colourful and descriptive illustrations. Each chapter is concluded with revision questions to help pupils assess themselves on what they learn in each chapter.

Quotes from History’s greatest educators you must keep in mind.

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Education is one of the most important vocations in History — and it is by far the most sensitive. And there is no time when we feel the immense weight of education, of molding a young mind, as great as when school resumption is upon us. What better way to gain insight into the strategies of molding a mind than from the works of those who have studied the art of education ;so perhaps, as we look forward to the new academic session, a brief retrospective of History’s greatest educators is in order.


We begin with this quote by Maria Montessori where she emphasized her believe in embracing a child’s curiosity and spontaneity:

“The greatest sign of success for a teacher… is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.’”

This timeless quote by the great Poet, Robert Frost, succinctly describes two categories of teachers:

“There are two kinds of teachers: the kind that fill you with so much quail shot that you can’t move, and the kind that just gives you a little prod behind and you jump to the skies.”

One of the greatest philosophers, Confucius, in one of his many philosophical teachings — Analects 2.11 — touched on the matter of history, how a teacher must relate the past with the present.

“The Master said, “A true teacher is one who, keeping the past alive, is also able to understand the present.”

Nadia Boulanger, the French composer and teacher, reflected on the complexity of affection for a child, that to love a child is to help him pay attention to the dynamics of things. She said:

“Loving a child doesn’t mean giving in to all his whims; to love him is to bring out the best in him, to teach him to love what is difficult”

In asserting the quiet power of books, Charles William Eliot, the American academic who has been credited with transforming Harvard University from a provincial College into the pre-eminent American research university, said:

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”


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