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Easy to understand Economics 1

This book easy to understand economics for schools and colleges, is a production of the author’s teaching and research experiences. It is put together with a view to helping students of economics in having a clear understanding of the subject. It is good for students in secondary schools, students writing O’level examination or GCE, students writing university and polytechnic joint matriculation examinations and students of economics in tertiary institutions.

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This book easy to understand economics for schools and colleges, is a production of the author’s teaching and research experiences. It is put together with a view to helping students of economics in having a clear understanding of the subject. It is good for students in secondary schools, students writing O’level examination or GCE, students writing university and polytechnic joint matriculation examinations and students of economics in tertiary institutions.

It should be emphasized that the study of economics cuts across different areas of study in the high school and of course, the study of economics is being integrated into may disciplines in tertiary institutions. The study of economics will continue to be relevant as long as economy continues to exist in countries. Economy is a set of activities through which resources are allocated for the satisfaction of wants. Economy is all about the well being of the people and the nation. With this book, readers are provided with the basic knowledge of economics and some other disciplines.

Effort has been made at arranging the topics in an orderly manner and updated data has been used in several cases. questions covering different topics are also provided at the end of each chapter to examine and assess the level of understanding and comprehension. Moreover, students are advised to ensure that they read all the chapters in the book before attempting the questions after which they can now check the answers provided.

Finally, as you read the book, it is strongly believed that you will find it interesting, highly educative and profoundly rewarding.

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Weight 0.6 kg


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