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Rasmed Basic History Pry1

History for primary schools has been written to meet the desires of pupils for detailed and simple history textbook as a subject. The book is based on the newly revised Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) Curriculum. The book has been designed to meet the targets of the National Economic Development Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) which are value orientation, poverty eradication, and job creation.

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History for primary schools has been written to meet the desires of pupils for detailed and simple history textbook as a subject. The book is based on the newly revised Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) Curriculum. The book has been designed to meet the targets of the National Economic Development Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) which are value orientation, poverty eradication, and job creation.

This history textbook will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Nigeria’s past and present. It will give pupils the knowledge of the past and the past relates to the present. The book will also enable pupils to appreciate the basis of unity in Nigeria. Each book in this series is designed using clear and simple language, combined with highly colourful and descriptive illustrations. Each chapter is concluded with revision questions to help assess themselves on what they learn in each chapter.

Although care has been taken to check mistakes or typographical errors, any errors or suggestion brought to the notice of the publisher will be acknowledged and taken into consideration in the next edition.


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