5 Things to Look Out for When Buying Textbooks
Have you heard the popular saying “Do Not Judge a Book by Its Cover?” It is absolutely correct but only on a more profound le...

6 Back to School Icebreakers
Back to School Icebreakers are a great way to get the pupils back in the school spirit. Besides, icebreakers also help the pupils...

7 Ideas for School Assemblies
School assemblies are an important and fun part of a school’s calendar, weekly or annual alike. They go beyond the usual announ...

Fun Activities To Do With Kids
Have you been thinking of fun activities to do with the kids? Look no further as we have compiled a list of fun, affordable and k...

8 Tips for Communicating Effectively With Children
Communicating effectively with children can be tedious if not done properly. This applies to children of all ages since you c...

How to Start Something New
Starting something new often seems like the easiest part of a process. For it to become a habit or to last long term though ...

Building a Reading Culture with Children
A reading culture is the cultivation of an attitude and the possession of skills that make reading a pleasurable, regular and con...

Handling Difficult Parents
Being a teacher, you can definitely identify a parent who fits into one of the following categories. The one who wants to tell yo...

Benefits of Reading to Children
Reading aloud to children, at any age, boosts their brain developments and imbibes a reading culture in them as it allows them se...

Bilingual Education: A Need
Bilingual education is an incorporation of a second language into the teaching and learning process. This means that, instead of ...